Marketing with Snapchat

     Hello Everyone, I am back tonight with my thoughts on chapter seven. Chapter seven is about marketing with Snapchat, one of my favorite apps. Besides texting, Snapchat is how I communicate with my friends and family. Instagram and Snapchat are the apps I post on the most. My favorite part about Snapchat is the filters because they make my pictures look so much better. I had no idea Snapchat was founded on a college campus. Imagine being a college student and coming up with one of the most popular apps on Social Media. Not surprisingly, Snapchat is used evenly among men and women. Snapchat is also used evenly among Urban, Rural, and Suburban areas. 

    Snapchat is a great advertising tool to reach a younger group and to look modern to the public. Businesses on Snapchat also have the ability to make relationships with customers by sending snaps and live video calls. Snapchat is a great app to connect with the public. What I found interesting in this chapter is that Snapchat gives off a sense of urgency to users because of the time limit on snaps and stories. The charter also states that Snapchat is a low-cost marketing tool, which is always a plus for businesses. 

     Creating a Snapchat profile is simple, just make a username and password. Businesses should make a username that matches their business name or other social media handles so it's easy for other snap chatters to find them. Snapchat has created a ton of cool features over the years such as snap games, visual search, snap map, and cameos. Snapchat has also created another app that is very useful for producers and consumers called Screenshot. Screenshot is an app where users can take a picture of a product and then the app will show them product recommendations to purchase. Some brands that have done well with Snapchat advertising are Xbox, Ralph Lauren, and Mcdonald's. 

    Snapchat is a way for businesses to interact with a younger audience and make short fun content. I think it's cool when brands make snap filters and post-behind-the-scenes content. I personally love Snapchat and use it a ton. That's all I have for today, see ya tomorrow! 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



  1. Hi Hailey! Thanks for sharing your insight into Snapchat. Like you, Snapchat is one of my primary methods of communicating with friends also! I also had no idea that Snapchat was founded on a college campus. How cool. Yes, I agree that Snapchat is a great way for companies to interact with the younger audience and I've noticed that most of the Ads on Snapchat don't totally "annoy" me. Not sure if you feel the same.

  2. Emma - Snapchat is one of my primary ways to communicate as well! Outside of some of my family members, everyone else seems to use snapchat mostly to communicate. When looking at Snapchat from a marketing standpoint, I believe they do an excellent job with incorporating filters to match the events/products being promoted. I am unsure how easy or hard it is to create these filters, but would definitely say it is worth as they have drawn my attention to certain events I didn't know were taking place. Thanks for your info!


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