All About LinkedIn

     Today's blog is going to be about LinkedIn. I am not very familiar with LinkedIn, having only downloaded it a couple months ago. Even though I have an account now I still don't go on the app much. LinkedIn is an app for professionals and companies all around the world to connect. In short, it's a networking app. A fun fact about LinkedIn is that 51 percent of college graduates are on LinkedIn. 

    LinkedIn is a great place for companies to build relationships with employees and other businesses. LinkedIn is a great place to get engagement because 60 percent of users engage with content that relates to them. LinkedIn has multiple page types such as a Company Page, Showcase Page, Product Page, and Career Page. LinkedIn posts are similar to Instagram and Twitter. There are LinkedIn stories that last 24 hours and LinkedIn Company Updates which are like tweets. LinkedIn also has the option to go live, post polls, images, and videos. 
    LinkedIn uses three factors for its algorithm, which are people you know, things you are interested in, and things you engage with. Some tips for brands that want to take advantage of LinkedIn's algorithm include encouraging conversation, being relevant, using hashtags, and tagging other brands or professionals. The content strategy for LinkedIn is similar to other Social Media platforms. One rule that I have not read about throughout this course yet was the 4-1 rule. The 4-1 rule says that for every self-promotional post a company should share four pieces of content from other accounts. LinkedIn's ad types were also similar to other Social Media platforms but LinkedIn offers job ads. 
    In conclusion, LinkedIn is a great place to connect with companies you are interested in and other professionals in your field. I would recommend that every college student have a LinkedIn account. Come back tomorrow to hear about my first podcast episode! 
Until Next Time My Dudes, 


  1. Hi Emma - Thanks so much for providing your insight into the chapter. Thanks for giving your details into the LinkedIn algorithm. I find it interesting that they use the 4-1 rule. Thanks for continuing to recommend that individuals have a LinkedIn profile! LinkedIn is such a great place to branch out and build professional relationships and connections for future careers!


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