Developing Your Personal Brand

     Hey everyone! I am back today to share my thought on chapter 2, Developing Your Personal Brand. Before this chapter, I didn't really understand what a personal brand was. According to the textbook, "Your personal brand is your reputation and the combination of your personal attributes that differentiate you from your peers". Your social media presence is where you can showcase your personal brand. This chapter also provides steps on how to identify your personal brand so I thought I would go through the steps in the blog today and we can find out what my personal brand is together!


Step 1 is to identify my target audience. In a professional aspect, my target audience would be potential employers. My target employer would be a non-profit company looking for a social media or PR specialist. Step 2 is to determine your vision and your purpose which is a hefty thing to put in words but stay with me here.
My personal vision is to be a working mom who is known for helping others and working hard. My purpose is the things I need to do or change to make that vision happen. My personal purpose is to serve as a helping hand throughout my life and to work ethically and efficiently. On to step 3 determining your values, my top 5 values include respect, accountability, empathy, kindness, and balance. Step 4 is to determine your passions, passions are what motivates a person. One of my passions is helping and understanding people. Going into step 5 which is determining your goals. One of my goals is to graduate from college a semester early. Step 6 is to state 2 to 4 your brand attributes, my brand attributes include thoughtful, personable, and patient. Moving to step 7 a SWOT analysis on yourself...yikes. I am just going to do one of each so you guys don't lose interest LOL. A strength of mine is communicating. One of my weaknesses is crunching numbers. An opportunity for me is that I will be set apart from other candidates that have a skills gap in social media because I am taking classes like Principle of Social Media. A threat to me would be the lack of social media and PR jobs in my very small hometown. Step 8 is figuring out your competition. My competition is literally my classmates lol and those already in the workforce. Lastly, step 9 is picking three words that describe you! Three words that describe me are quiet, patient, driven.

    Not only does chapter two teach one to build a personal brand but also gives tips and tricks on how to google yourslerf and make a promising Linkin account, which I will be taking advantage of! Lastly, the chapter goes on to point some social etiquette. Social Media etiquette is like table manners but for the internet. Some simple rules include be respectful, spell check, and don't spam people. Most are common sense in my opinion but others are helpful reminders.

    Figuring out what your personal brand is can be a very personal and difficult process. Your personal brand will need lots editing as you live your life and your goals change. This little mock up I did today is just the start of my personal brand. How you conduct yourself on the internet is very important because anyone can see it, especially the really important people in your life like teachers, bosses, and loved ones. That's why we have things like personal brands, Linkin account tips, and social media etiquette. Thanks for tuning it, I will back tomorrow with a blog about my first live tweeting experience!

Until Next Time My Dudes,



  1. Emma, I loved going through this journey with you. I think it is great that you know so much about what you want to do and be, that will really help you as you go through life and make tough decisions. It was helpful to go through the process with you and see how you thought about it.

  2. Emma, Thank you for sharing this with me. I appreciate you walking your readers including myself through important steps to build your brand. I too have taken time to walk through these steps to build my personal brand. Also, I am glad you included the information about Googling yourself. It is quite interesting how many small things that might come up about you, that you may or may not have even known were there in the first place. Your humor throughout the blog has found me definitely interested in your content. I am excited to read about your first live tweeting experience!


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