Marketing with Facebook

    I have never been a very big user of Facebook until recently but I always knew it was one of the leading Social Media platforms. I knew Facebook owned Instagram but I didn't know they also owned What's App. I was not surprised that there are more women on Facebook than men but I was surprised to read that the largest number of users are from India. I really never use messenger but I do use Facebook to look up businesses and get their phone number. 

    Setting up a Facebook account is similar to setting an Instagram account. I made my Facebook account when I was 11 years old. Setting up a business Facebook account is a little more complex though. First, you pick a cover photo and write a description of your business. In the description, a business will want to include its hours and location. Businesses will want to include a call-to-action button which is a way for users to contact a business. There are also other features to a Facebook business account such as Facebook shops and page settings. Facebook has also added the Facebook Business Suite which provides businesses with an overview of activity and a place to create ads. 

    Building an audience on Facebook is pretty easy. Facebook allows users to invite customers, family, friends, other businesses, and influencers to their page to create awareness. Facebook also encourages businesses to collaborate on the app as well. A Facebook post has more components than I realized including hashtags, images, videos, or GIFs, text, and call-to-action-link. A Facebook content strategy also has many components and rules. Some rules or advice are, to be honest, reply quickly, don't over-promote your product or service, and take advantage of your pinned post by putting the most important event or information in that spot. Some needed components of a Facebook content strategy include creating a theme, posting at certain times, engaging audiences, and using tactics like emojis, tags, 360 videos, and going live. All of these tips and tactics also go into Facebook advertising as well as budget and measuring metrics. 

    Facebook has had its share of changes and issues such as responding to COVID-19, changing their newsfeed algorithm (Facebook Zero), and the leak of over 7 million Facebook accounts which made Facebook users lose trust in Facebook. In response to the scandal, Facebook put in place new protection regulations. In response to COVID Facebook has tried to stop misinformation, support health, and economic relief, and provide accurate information about the vaccine. 

    In conclusion, Facebook has had ups and downs but is still one of the leading Social Media apps in the world. Facebook is also a great place for businesses to connect with customers and other businesses. It was interesting to learn some in-depth stuff about Facebook. I will be back tomorrow with a blog on chapter 5. Thanks for reading! 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



  1. Emma, I don't use Facebook often either but also have an account and agree that it sets up like Instagram. The business side definitely looks more complicated but useful if you are looking to expand your customer base. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  2. Emma - I remember setting up my Facebook account when I was in middle and seemed as if I was on it 24/7, nowadays I just get on every now and then to utilize Facebook market place for random things. Also, the way Facebook handled their scandal of leaked account was very responsible and seems as they have made a very strong comeback with all the new features they are adding/tweaking!

  3. Hi Emma - Thanks for sharing your insight into the Facebook platform. I was also shocked to learn that India was the leading in number of active users. I definitely would have thought it would have been the United States. Like you, I also remember setting up my Facebook account. I remember I used to think it was sooooo cool to have one. Then came the Instagram phase which is all discussed in the next chapter of our text. Great commentary and I enjoyed reading your chapter 4 thoughts.


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