Marketing with TikTok


        Today's blog is going to be about the Social Media platform TikTok. I love watching TikTok but I have never posted one. TikTok is of the newer Social Media apps and it definitely caters to a younger age group.TikTok to me is like a shorter version of Youtube. I think TikTok is so popular because people today have short attention spans and TikToks are short videos, so it keeps users from getting bored. Fun Fact, in China TikTok is known as Douyin. 

    TikTok has 689 million active users a month. The average time spent on TikTok at a time is about 52 minutes and I can confirm by experience that this is accurate LOL. Marketing on TikTok is still new. There are around 1,000 major brands using TikTok for business. TikTok also has a 9% engagement rate. A Tik Tok business account includes contact information and real-time metrics on content performance. Making a TikTok video make sounds like a short and simple task but there can be a lot of work involved to make quality content. 
    TikTok's algorithm is driven by user interactions, video information and device and account settings. Creating a content strategy for TikTok involves creating many different types of content and being creative with music and sound. A TikTok content strategy should also include a banded filter, working with the top TikTok influencers and keeping up with the trends on the app. 
    Tik Tok's advice to businesses wanting to advertise is to make a new trend instead of advertising. Making a trend is how a person or business goes viral. I love TikTok and I think it's a great creative outlet for anyone. Tomorrow I will be back with my last blog for my Principles of Social Media class. Stay tuned! 
Until Next Time My Dudes, 


  1. Emma - I can totally agree as well with the comment regarding 52 minutes is the average time spent on there! I'm not sure how it always happens but I just lose track of time when I am browsing the app. I think a lot of it has to do with their algorithm because 99% of the time I am interested in the next video and then the next video and the next and on and on! With marketing, I personally haven't seen many advertisement at all on the app so far, every now and then there will be one when I first open the app and that is about it. Thanks for your insight!

  2. Emma, I think I spend more time on TikTok than 52 minutes which is still a lot. If the rest of the 18-24 year old population is like me then using TikTok as a business platform is a great idea! On top of that I have bought so many things because I see it on TikTok.


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