Marketing with Twitter


    Today I am back with my thoughts on chapter six. Personally, I have never used Twitter very much. I can see how it would be useful for businesses to give a quick update to their customers. After I did the live-tweeting assignment I can imagine why businesses would want to do that for a fundraiser or sale. I would have thought that the most popular Twitter account was some actor or singer but it was Barack Obama. I wasn't surprised that more men than women use Twitter because of all the sports and political updates I see when I am on the app. 
    Apparently, Twitter users are three times more likely than Facebook users to follow an account. That's really good news for business accounts on Twitter. Twitter gives business the chance to see what happens in the world, increases brand awareness, provide fast customer service, and connect with influencers. Creating a business Twitter profile is no more difficult than creating an Instagram or Facebook business profile. Just make a username, add a profile picture and cover photo, write a bio, and you're ready to start tweeting!  
    Making a tweet is pretty simple just add some text and a photo or video. If you see a tweet you like or relate too you can retweet that tweet which puts it on your profile so your followers can see it too. Twitter also has a like button, the ability to mention other accounts and fleets which are like the stories on Facebook and Instagram. Twitter's algorithm is pretty cool. Twitter has an "In Case You Missed It" feature so users don't miss anything. Twitter also tries to show users the tweets they will like the most and the tweets of events happening right now. 
    What I have learned so far about content strategies is to keep posts short, less promotion, have more conversations, post at optimal times, use emojis, and hashtags. These tips are also true for Twitter. Twitter does have some special features though such as Twitter chat and Twitter lists. Twitter chat is a conversation kept together by a hashtag. A Twitter list is a group of Twitter accounts that can be private or public that users can subscribe to. I didn't know these two features of Twitter existed. Twitter has very detailed targeting and many different ad formats. 
Ad Types 
1. Promoted Ads
2. Follower Ads
3. Twitter Amplify
4. Twitter Takeover
5. Twitter Live
     Some businesses that have done really well with Twitter are Wendy's and Doritos. Twitter has many new features in the works and I am excited to see them. This post has made me want to become more active on Twitter. Tomorrow I will be back with my thoughts on chapter seven. Thanks for reading! 
Until Next Time My Dudes, 


  1. Emma, I didn't know that the Twitter Lists and Twitter Chat features existed either and I think that for businesses who are using Twitter these are two hugely beneficial features. They provide so much information for the business and also for the customer who is involved in Twitter Chat. Thanks for your insights on this chapter.

  2. Emma - I like how you brought up men using twitter more than women and using it for sports and politics because those are two of the exact reasons I use twitter for. Like Hailey said above, I didn't know anything about Twitter List or the Chat features even thought I would say I use this app frequently. I'll definitely have to check out Wendy's and Doritos Twitter page now!



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