Marketing with Youtube


    Today's blog is about YouTube! I have been using YouTube for years. I watch music videos, makeup tutorials, pranks, vlogs, etc. I wouldn't know how to do my hair or makeup if it wasn't for YouTube LOL.  I am just one of 2.3 billion monthly users! YouTube is the second most visited site on the internet. YouTube has a wide variety of content for all age groups but the most active age group is 18- to 49-year-olds. A shocking one billion hours of videos are watched a day! 
    YouTube is great for marketing because most people, myself included, would rather watch a video than read a long article. 93% of businesses gain a new customer after posting a video on Social Media. To make a YouTube channel a business must have a google account, preferably one specifically for YouTube. YouTube's algorithm puts watch time and time spent first. YouTube wants users to come back so they will sometimes recommend older content. That's one thing that is cool about YouTube, content is evergreen.
    The first 24 hours a video is posted are crucial for optimization. Some tips to get views include using keywords, intriguing titles, including transcripts and closed captions, using tags, creating thumbnails and end screens and including detailed descriptions. The content strategy is similar to other Social Media platforms. This chapter does however encourage creativity and testing different types of content. Also, it is encouraged to create a channel trailer to let users know what your channel is all about. 
    YouTube advertising is all about video. YouTube is a great place for businesses to give the public an image. YouTube allows for creativity and entertainment. I personally love YouTube for entertainment and learning. I think every individual and business should at least try using YouTube. I'll be back tomorrow with another blog! 
Until Next Time My Dudes 


  1. Emma, thank you for sharing. I don't watch a ton of YouTube myself but I know people that do so I can see the benefit of using it as a marketer. Also I find it interesting that YouTube is so popular still with the appearance of TikTok nowadays. Maybe we will learn about that in the next chapter!

  2. Emma - I totally agree about your comment not knowing how to do your makeup without YouTube except it is cooking for me! I learned all different techniques and tricks with cooking, recipes, and overall trying new things I find all the time! I absolutely love everything about YouTubes platform and will continue to use it daily. Thanks for your insight!


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