My First Podcast Episode

  Today's blog is going to be about the process of creating my first podcast episode. Let's just say my first episode had some technical difficulties but I persevered! I was intimidated by this assignment at first because I had no idea how to make a podcast or edit one. I decided to interview my friend Alyvia Oliver. Alyvia has been making YouTube videos for about 5 years now. Alyvia also posts consistently on TikTok and Instagram. I decided that she would be a person to interview because she has the most experience with Social Media that I know. Alyvia was also able to teach me how to record, edit and upload a podcast. 


1. What made you want to start youtube and TikTok?

2. Which social media app is your favorite?

3. How has social media made you feel mentally? 

4. How has social media made you feel about your body image?

5. What is one of the best memories you have of social media?

6. What is one of the worst memories?  Did it make you consider quitting social media?  

7. What is one of the biggest problems you see with social media? 

8. How much time and preparation goes into your social media accounts a day? 

9.  How does it make you feel having random people following and watching you? Just knowing that anyone can see your accounts at all times 

  10. What is it like making friends over the internet that you may never meet in person?

Podcast Link:

    Making a podcast was really fun and I got to spend time with a close friend. I don't think I will make any more episodes though, I would rather keep up with this blog. I think this was a valuable assignment and it got me out of my comfort zone. This is my last blog post for my Principle of Social Media class. Thanks to everyone for reading my posts and the nice comments!

Thank You, My Dudes,



  1. Emma, thank you for sharing your vulnerability with this assignment! I also was nervous for this assignment because I thought it would take a lot of technical skills that I didn't think I had. However, it was a lot simpler than I anticipated. I think this was a valuable assignment as well and I learned a lot about podcasting.


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