Moving into College!

     Hello everyone! I am back to blogging this semester for my Social Media Strategies and Campaigns class at Ohio Northern University. It is my second year at ONU but I am classified as a junior. I moved into my on-campus apartment almost a week ago with one of my close friends. 

My roommate Kensey and I 
    My housing this semester is an on-campus apartment that includes a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and two bedrooms. This type of college housing is much bigger that the traditional college dorms. I had so much fun decorating my apartment with Kensey. We are both learning how to cook actual dinners because living in an apartment we are not required to get a meal plan. It's been really fun planning what we are gonna have each night and making dinner together.  

    I like living in this apartment because it's so much bigger. I have my own bedroom so I can relax in my own space. I enjoy watching movies on the couch with Kensey in the evenings. Also when we have friends over we aren't sitting on top of each other in a small dorm room. Rooming with Kensey this semester has also been a new experience for me because I was not close to my roommate last year. The only downside of living in the apartments this year is that they are so far away from the academic buildings so the walk is kind of a hike. I am not excited to walk to class when it rains or gets really cold. 

Below I have attached some pictures of my apartment all decorated!   
My Room 

Our Living Room 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 


  1. Hey Emma! So great that you get to move into an apartment this year, I loved living in the apartments last year. Which apartment building are you living in? I hope that you have an awesome time in your apartment this semester!

  2. Hi Emma!! I absolutely love the way you have your apartment set up! I am in Klondikes Den this year and am also loving it so far. My living room area is still pretty boring, but our decorations are on the way from Amazon. I am looking forward to reading your blog each week and to see what else this semester holds!


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