Greek Recruitment!

    This past weekend my sorority sister and I went through formal recruitment to get new members. I am in Zeta Tau Alpha, one of our sororities on ONU's campus. The three other sororities on campus are Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Alpha Xi Delta. I joined Zeta last Spring so this was my first time experiencing fall formal recruitment. There are many rules and it's a four-day process but it's also super fun and exciting!

     The first day was on Thursday and it was the Philanthropy round. The philanthropy round gives sororities a chance for potential new members (PNM) to learn about the organizations that each sorority partners with and raises money for. Zeta's philanthropy is breast cancer education and awareness. We partner with the NFL, PinkLink, and the American Cancer Society. Last year we raised over $3,000 for our philanthropy. 

    The second round is the sisterhood round which lets each sorority tell PNMs what being in a sorority means to them. We talk about the bonds we have made with our sisters and the events we put on to build those bonds. Some sisterhood events that I have participated in include Spa Night, Pjs and Pancakes, and Game Night. Being in Zera has allowed me to make some friends on campus and it gives me a sense of belonging. Zeta is my home away from home. 

    The third round is called Preference. This round is a little more serious than the other rounds because by now the PNMs have picked their two favorite sororities and during this round, they are trying to get a deeper understanding of Zeta and connect with current members in a deeper way as well. This round can be emotional for seniors because this marks the end of their last formal recruitment and we talk about how Zeta gave us friendships that will last forever and how those friendships were there for us through the good and the bad. 

    After all the rounds are done the fourth and final day of recruitment is Bid Day. Bid Day is when sororities give PNMs invitations to join their sorority. PNMs will pick which ones they want to join and then on Bid Day, they will "Run Home" which is them just running to the members of the sorority on the Affinity Lawn. Each Sorority has a Bid Day theme, Zetas was "Love the Greatest of All Things". All of my sorority sisters and I dressed up in pink and red with hearts and glitter. There's music, dancing, and yelling chants. Once the new members run home we take pictures and go back to the Zeta house and eat, play games, and hang out. 

    Formal recruitment is a lot of work but it was really fun and I am so excited to get to know our new members! Here are some pictures from each day of recruitment. 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



  1. Emma, this is so cool. I am not much of a sorority girl, but I also never knew how it all actually worked. I always see each day of recruitment and am usually confused. I am so happy you got to experience fall recruitment this year, and I hope the new members are everything you hope they will be. Have fun!


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