Last Horse Show of the Season

   Last weekend I went to Winfield, West Virginia to work the last horse show of the 2022 season. I have been working horse shows with my dad since I was 14 years old. We are ring stewards which means we scribe for the judges, set up patterns, tell placing to the announcer, and answer questions that the contestants have. Scribing is just taking scores and keeping track of placing so that judges can keep their attention on the horse and the exhibitor. This weekend's horse show was 2 days long but they can be as long as for days. I get paid $175 a day plus mileage. they also pay for our meals and hotel. Winfield is about two hours from my house and 3 1/2 from ONU. 
    I enjoy working at horse shows because it lets me spend time with my dad, my family and I have always
loved showing horses, and the money is really easy. It's also kind of sentimental for me because everyone
at Winfield knew my mom and they all call me "AJ" which is short for "Amy Junior". My mom was really
good at showing horses, one year she placed in the top 5 at the Amutuer worlds show. Being at the shows
makes me feel closer to her in a way. But with getting older and being at college and having summer classes
and a summer job at home it's getting harder ad harder to make time to go to these shows and work.
It is hard to let go of because of the connection I have with them and because the pay is so good. Sadly I
don't have any pictures for you guys this week but I will be back next week.
Until Next Time My Dudes,


  1. Hi Emma! I did not know you showed horses. That is so cool! I love the connecting that it brings you since your mom used to be the best at it. It is just a bonus that you get paid for doing something you love so much even if you do not get to do it very often. I am glad you got to spend time with your dad and family while also having fun.

  2. Emma! I absolutely love how you show horses. I've only been around horses a few times in my life but I think they are one of the most incredible animals. I'm so happy you still get to show horses, even though you're in college. The connections and the symbolism behind this job are something you will cherish forever. I loved this post <3


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