ONU DCBA Etiquette Dinner

    On September 13th, I had to attend an Etiquette Dinner at the Inn because I am required to as a student at the Dicke College of Business. I have never been to a dinner like this so I didn't know what to expect. This was also the first time I had ever worn a women's business suit.  
    First, we started with a "cocktail hour" which had fake sangria and rose spritzer. We learned how to hold our plate and glass in our left hand so that our right hand was free to shake the hands of others. I learned that name tags are supposed to go on the right and that when other professionals shake your right hand your name tag is right there. 
    The rest of the night was in a dining room with a formal place setting. I got to sit with my friends Grace and Dean Navin and his wife. We learned how to hold our eating utensils in the U.S zig-zag way and the continental way. Dean Navin made us laugh the whole time. I learned that he has a daughter named Emma. The food was pretty good, we had vegetable soup, salad, chicken with potatoes and asparagus, and then for dessert we had tiramisu. I think the dinner was extremely helpful and kinda fun. I didn't take any pictures though so no pictures this time but I will be back next week! 
Until Next Time My Dudes, 


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