Dudes Day Tailgate


    This past weekend my sorority put on a Dudes Day Tailgate. This is a chance for my sisters and me to bring our dads, brother, uncles, grandpas, etc. I had my dad and brother come out, there was pizza, snacks, desserts, and cornhole. The football team played Mount Union and we watched the band perform. 

    I hadn't seen my dad in about a month and I hadn't seen my brother in three months so it was great to catch up with them. My family never really goes to events or bonds often so this was different for us. After the tailgate and the game, we went to Walmart and my dad bought me some groceries for my apartment and pumpkins for my and my roommate to carve for Halloween. After we got the groceries put away we went to Tavern in Ada for an early dinner. Events like these are one of the many reasons I love Zeta. I am so happy I got to spend time with my family, it was so nice to catch up with them and hear about what they are doing. When we are together we never stop laughing and teasing each other. 

The pictures below are of me, my brother, and my dad. I got them to throw the crown! 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



  1. I am so glad you got to see your dad and brother this weekend! My teammates and I went to the football game too, but we didn't stay long. It is always cool to see all the fun events sororities put on. My social media pages are always full of pictures from your events. You are all very creative and know how to have fun together. I hope you have a great fall break weekend!

  2. This sounds like so much fun! It is always so important to value family time because it never lasts forever. I am looking forward to catching up with my family as well because I haven't seen them in so long. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is such a cool event that you guys put together! I didn't know this happened until this pasted weekend. It such a cool event to always bring family to hangout, especially the dudes and to catch up. It's also nice for them to experience ONU!


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