Homecoming Weekend!

 The madness began Friday morning with Career Fest. I was required to go to this for Career Planning but I think it was a great experience and it got me out of my comfort zone. I met with some companies that I am very interested in and plan to apply to some internships and further connect with them. Here's a picture of me and Grace after the Career Fest. 

    Saturday morning I went to the PRSSA Alumni Breakfast. We had a couple of business alums come. They told us about how the building was here before Dicke. I got to talk more with Brittany Hays who works for Auto-Owners Insurance. I applied to some internships she shared with Aggie and it was good to get more information about the positions with her. After breakfast, I watched the parade with some friends. Here's a picture of some of the ONU PRSSA chapter and alum Sam. 

    After the Parade, I went back to my apartment to eat lunch and then volunteered at the activities booth for HBA and then helped tear down PRSSA's booth. Later that day I had dinner at Campo with my friend Kerin. Sunday was a chill day, I did homework and baked cupcakes. Overall homecoming was fun and I got to meet some great people. Here is a picture of my cupcakes. They aren't very pretty but they taste good and that's all that matters! 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



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