Applying to Internships and Interviews


    This past week has been hectic for me with preparing and going to interviews. I had never really done a real interview until college. They are really nerve-racking for me and I need a lot of practice. Luckily, I am taking career planning right now and we are working on interview questions and how to present yourself at an interview. 
    Last week I had an interview with Auto-Owners Insurance for a corporate marketing internship in Michigan this summer and a sales internship with Aflac in Columbus for this summer as well. I also applied for a position on the executive council in my sorority as well as a position on the Panhellenic council in Greek Life. This week brings results for some of those interviews. Unfortunately, I did not receive an executive council position but I have been slated for a Panhellenic council position. The position is VP of Public Relations and I will give a 2-3 minute speech this Monday and then the council will vote. I think another thing I am practicing besides interviewing is how to handle rejection. I used to get really upset when I didn't get the position I applied for and interviewed for but now I try to be understanding and move forward. 
    I have not heard from Auto-Owners Insurance but I do have a second interview with Aflac this week. I think that the more I challenge myself and put myself out of my comfort zone the more I will improve and get comfortable with the interview process. 
Until Next Time My Dudes, 


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