Halloween Weekend

    This past weekend I decided to go home and visit my hometown friends. I haven't seen them since I moved to ONU this Fall. Friday afternoon I drove to Pomroy, Ohio to my friend Alyvia and Maggie's house. We grabbed dinner and then went to the airport and picked up Alyvia's girlfriend Erica. Erica is from Georgia and this was her first time visiting Alyvia. 
    Saturday morning I got ready and drove from Pomroy to Marietta for my best friend, Skylee, game. She is a cheerleader for Marietta college and this was my first time watching her cheer. She is a flyer and it was really cool to watch her and her team do stunts. Marietta also played ONU but unfortunately, ONU lost. After the game, Skylee, her family, and I went out to eat and I got to catch up with them. Skylee is my childhood best friend, it's so weird to only see her every couple of months now. After dinner, I went home and spent the night in with my dogs. My dad is in Florida right now on a retirement vacation so I got some alone time. 
    On Sunday I drove back to Pomroy to Alyvia and Maggie's to get to the West Virginia Penitentiary for a haunted tour. It was a 2-hour drive to the penitentiary, thankfully Maggie drove. Once we got there we ate dinner and our tour started at 6:40. We didn't experience anything spooky during the tour but it was really cool to tour such an old building and see the prisoners' artwork in the cells. The West Virginia Penitentiary was built in 1866 and wasn't decommissioned until 1995. It was one of the most violent and overcrowded prisons in the nation, closed because it was considered cruel and unusual punishment to be a prisoner there. Located in Moundville, West Virginia it is built on top of and beside an Indian burial ground. I highly suggest taking a tour there, it was only 20 dollars for a 45-minute tour. They also offer an overnight independent tour which I think would be really cool. 
    After the tour, we drove back to Pomroy and I then drove back to ONU. I got back to my apartment at 1:00 am and went to Finance Monday morning at 9:00 am. Even though I didn't dress up for Halloween and go to a party I still had a lot of fun and it was good to see my friends. 

    Skylee and I at the Game 

Maggie, Alyvia and I at the Penitentiary 

Until Next Time My Dudes, 


  1. Love that you got to go to a haunted penitentiary thats so fun! I love haunted houses!


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