Thanksgiving Break Recap

 Last week was Thanksgiving break and I thought for this week's blog I would do a little recap of my time at home. At the beginning of the break, I had to stay in Ada for a meeting with my internship at the Hardin County Armory. This meeting was important enough for me to stay on an empty campus because the Armory is putting on a Monte Carlo Christmas Gala this Saturday to raise money to replace the windows in the Armory. 

After the meeting Monday night I made the 4-hour trip home. I was so excited to be home and see my dad and all of our dogs and cats. Dad actually just got a new siamese kitten which makes 4 siamese house cats. This one's name is Chunk. He is so chubby and little that his tummy touches the floor when he walks. It was good to see friends from high school and distant family that I don't see as often as I would like to. I also worked a couple of days of the break at a bar that I worked at over the summer. I used my tip money to buy Christmas presents for friends and family. I ended up getting all my Christmas shopping done on Black Friday. On Sunday, I went to church and brunch with my dad. I love spending time with him because he is one of my best friends and we have so much in common. Thanksgiving was much needed for me and now that we are back on campus I am ready to get finals done and get back home for Christmas break. 

Here is a picture of the new kitten Chunk

Until Next Time My Dudes, 



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